Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Skin & it's Care

I've been ruminating again. I can't believe how subtle (or not) skincare advertising is. I'm a hardcore believer in making your own from natural ingredients, and yet, I'm lured by the shiny labels and sweet smells - and the promises!!! Plus, who doesn't like to try something new, especially when we get bored with the same routine.... I've decided to keep making my own...for now. I like the idea that I'm holding out - and I hope you will, too. Even when it becomes difficult, I imagine that there's one more plant, one more person, and/or one more animal that breathes clean air and lives a little longer because of that action. I also plan to inform myself more. Check out the website for responsible persons, called Smart Skincare - see the Lucid Links List. Take care and be aware.

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